The Black Skimmer is like the clown of the shore birds. They have so much personality, both as adults and chicks. The unmistakable bill is used with great precision as they skim the water snapping up fish. They enjoy a wonderful family structure with a commitment and intimacy I've rarely seen in birds. Both parents raise the chicks which is a constant battle with predators always in the air and on the ground. They usually nest with other shore birds in large colonies along side Least Terns, Royal Terms and even Snowy Plovers. There is nothing like bathing in the ocean during a sunset while these birds skim past you in near silence trying to catch their prey.
Females do battle for nesting sites

Love is in the air for the Black Skimmers

Mating time for the Skimmers

A gift for his lady

The eggs have hatched

The young stay close

Skimming the surface for fish

Attacking the predators who try and grab the young

Least Tern have problem with new neighbor

Daddy's home

Sleep time for family

Black Skimmer breaks through the surf

Skimmer chicks playing

Then things get rough

Skimming the surf

Mid flight itch

Shaking off the ocean

Skimming for food

Crowded nesting means battles in the air

A flock of Black Skimmers head home